
Bioanalyzer Core Facility

Bioanalyzer_PlatformThe CMMT / BCCHRI Bioanalyzer Core Facility provides researchers at CMMT, BCCH Research Institute and within the Greater Vancouver community access to the microfluidics based functionality of the Bioanalyzer from Agilent Technologies (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer System).

The Bioanalyzer system enables rapid, accurate and reproducible analysis of the quality and composition of RNA, DNA and protein samples with exceptionally small sample quantities and with many advantages over gel electrophoresis methods. It is the standard method utilized for qualitative and quantitative analysis of RNA samples prior to analysis on microarray systems.

Since its inception, the facility has analyzed over 22,000 samples for 85 UBC research groups at the CMMT, BCCHRI, Michael Smith Labs, iCapture, iCORD, Microbiology, and Botany, as well several industry research groups.

Overview of technology

The Bioanalyzer Core Facility offers you access to the advanced functionality of the Agilent Bioanalyzer. The Agilent Bioanalyzer uses lab-on-a-chip technology to provide improved analysis of RNA, DNA, and proteins through:

  • Automation for improved accuracy and reproducibility;
  • Rapid visualization of sample quality and quantity;
  • High sensitivity with minimal sample quantities;
  • Significant time savings—as fast as same day service;
  • Easy comparison or sharing of digital sample data;
  • Simple, robust protocols and reagents; and
  • Reduced use and waste of hazardous chemicals;

Additional information on the Agilent BioAnalyzer platform can be found on the Agilent website.
Click here to view a summary of the principles of nucleic acid analysis on the Bioanalyzer.

Services available from the facility

The facility currently keeps the following LabChip kits in stock typically providing same or next day service.

Kit Samples analyzed Samples per chip Information
RNA Nano LabChip Kit RNA 5-500 ng/ul 12 Link to Agilent
RNA Pico LabChip Kit RNA
200-5,000 pg/ul
11 Link to Agilent
High Sensitivity DNA
LabChip Kits
5-500 pg/ul
11 Link to Agilent

The facility is able to provide analyses utilizing the following LabChip kits, though they are not kept in stock. Please contact us for further information.

Kit Samples analyzed Samples per chip Information
Small RNA LabChip Kit Small RNA, miRNA
6 to 150 nt
50 to 2000 pg/ul
11 Link to Agilent
DNA LabChip Kits DNA or siRNA
12 Link to Agilent
Protein LabChip Kits Protein
5-230 kDa
10 Link to Agilent

Sample Submission

For information on sample preparation and to submit samples please download the sample submission form (Excel).

Results Analysis

Bioanalyzer results will be sent via email and can be completed as quickly as the same day as sample submission. Results are viewed and analyzed and printed using the free Agilent 2100 expert software (this is the same analysis software used by the facility).

Extensive online help is included on how to use the software. Please click on RNA or DNA to see data analysis examples and instructions from the online help.

If you do not have a system that can run the Agilent 2100 expert software, please contact us for assistance with other options.


For CMMT and BCCHRI labs, the cost per sample for the RNA Nano analysis is approximately $10.40. A charge of approx. $8.75 will be applied for each un-used well on a chip. These empty well charges are minimized by submitting samples in multiples of the number of wells on a chip (see LabChip Kit table above) or when samples from other users are run on the same chip. Please enquire for pricing if your group is from outside of the CMMT/CFRI or for other kits.

Billing Authorization and Invoicing

Invoicing will be processed on a monthly basis by the Workday Internal Service Delivery (ISD) process for UBC customers.  To enable monthly billing to your UBC grant, please complete the ISD Authorization Form available here. Non-UBC customers will be invoiced monthly.

Contact Information

For additional information and to submit samples please contact:

Ms. Mona Moniri
(604) 875-3814

Mailing Address:

CMMT/CFRI Bioanalyzer Core Facility
Attention: Mona Moniri
The Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics
950 West 28th Avenue, Room A3-193
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4 Canada

Dropping Off Samples in Person?

Please meet us at Entrance #4 shown on the map on the Contact Us page.

For further information on CMMT Core Facilities, contact:

Michael Hockertz
(604) 875-3816