Dr. Francesca Capon named Donald Rix B.C. Leadership Chair in Genetic Medicine – UBC Faculty of Medicine Dr. Francesca Capon, a professor of medical genetics at the UBC Faculty of Medicine and senior scientist at the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics (CMMT), based at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHRI), has been named the […] Read More
Joining us from King’s College London, Dr. Capon’s key research interest is the genetic basis of psoriasis, and her research is aimed at characterizing genes that cause auto-inflammation in both rare and common diseases, which the group analyses using genetic (e.g. association studies and whole-exome sequencing) and functional approaches. Read More
Dr. Ben LifeA Life-Changing Research Path It was curiosity about Huntington’s disease research that led Benjamin Life to Dr. Blair Leavitt’s lab as a master’s student in 2018. Having completed his undergraduate degree at the University of British Columbia, Ben had in fact planned to take a year off, live in his van and do […] Read More
Dr. Jessica Levesley: The Hayden LaboratoryMy path to a world-renowned Huntington disease lab A biology enthusiast from her high school years at home in South Africa (SA), Jessica Dawson is now living about as far away from her native Johannesburg as a person can get. In a strange twist of fate, it wasn’t her passion […] Read More